I am a consultant Speech & Language Therapist working with a wide variety of adult speech and communication disorders. I am an expert level practitioner in the specialist field of Voice and work with both professional and non-professional voice users who may be experiencing difficulties with either their speaking or singing voices. In addition, I specialise in voice modification techniques and therapy and can work with those who need to develop their voices e.g. to project more powerfully or to sound more confident.
My method of working Involves targeting the specific therapy required for each client, allowing for the most efficient and successful voice outcomes for the client. I have been fortunate to hear and work with hundreds of clients. It is a privilege for me to help individuals improve and develop their voices and to help them reach their true potential.
My voice modification work extends to the field of Transgender Voice where I have many years experience as the leading UK clinician in this field. My extensive knowledge in this highly specialised area of work and close links with other relevant clinicians in the field allows me to guide clients appropriately according to their own personal needs and circumstances.

– I have worked in the NHS for 20 years and have been a Lead Clinician for voice in two voice services (Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust and The Gender Identity Clinic (West London Mental health Trust).
– I currently work predominantly at my own private practice in Marylebone but continue to run the fortnightly tertiary service Joint Voice Clinic with the ENT Consultant Mr Guri Sandhu seeing selected specialist voice cases.
– From 2004 I have acted as a national advisor to the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RSCLT) in the field of Voice and Transgender Voice.
– From 2007-2010, I was chairman of the London Voice Special interest Group (SIG).
– Currently, I am a member of the British Laryngological Association ( BLA), presenting at their Inaugural conference and a contributor to their website.
– I have been a member of The World Professional Association for Transgender Health ( WPATH) since 2001 and am one of the 5 members of the International committee for Speech & Language and Comunication Therapy, representing the U.K.
– MSc in Speech & Language Therapy and Pathology, University College London, 1995.
– BA Hons Degree in Humanities (English and Hispanic Studies), University of Hertfordshire, 1989.
– Registered member of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists. Membership number: RC0011573.
– Registered Speech & Language Therapist with the Health Care Professionals Council (HPC). Registration number: SL00989.
Specific VoiceCraft training
– 1999: Complete VoiceCraft course (6 day); Advanced VoiceCraft (3 day).
– 1998: Advanced VoiceCraft (3 day).
– 1997: Yell Well VoiceCraft course (2 day); Advanced VoiceCraft (3 day).
– 1996: Complete VoiceCraft course (6 day).
Publications and Written Works
– Voice, Speech & Language Therapy (chapter 23), C. Antoni, in: ‘The Transgender Handbook’ , Ed’s. W.Bouman & J. Arcelus. Nova . 2017
– ‘Principles of speech & language therapy’ by Christella Antoni (chapter 7) in ‘Practical Laryngology’ Ed. Declan Costello & Guri Sandhu, published by Taylor & Francis (December, 2015)
– ‘Voice & Communication Change for Gender Non-conforming Individuals: Giving Voice to the Person Inside’, Shelagh Davies, Viktoria Papp & Christella Antoni, International Journal of Transgenderism, 16:3, 117-159. (October, 2015)
– ‘Gender Dysphoria & the Larynx’ by Christella Antoni & Guri Sandhu (chapter 19) in ‘Practical Laryngology’ Ed. declan Costello and Guri Sandhu (2015)
– Joint Author of Vocal Hygeine Chapter in ‘voice and Communication Therapy for the Transgender/Transsexual Client’ ed’s: R Adler, S Hirsch, & M Mordaunt (2012).
– Service Delivery and the Challenges of Providing Service to People Who Are Transgender. Perspectives on Voice and Voice Disorders. Vol. 25, No. 2, pp.43. ASHA, July 2012
– ‘The Role of the Speech and Language Therapist’ in the text: ‘Transsexual and Other Disorders of Gender Identity’ – Ed J Barrett, 2007, Radcliffe Publishing Ltd.
– Feature articles for ENT News, The British voice Association’s Quarterly magazine.
– Contributor to the Speech & Language Therapy Bulletin magazine.
– Contributory author of the current World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Speech , Language and Communication Therapy guidelines and standards.
– A contributor to the Gender Trust’s biennial magazine, GT News.
– Author of the SLT section on the BLA website.
– 2015: ITV’s This Morning.
– 2014: ITV’s This Morning.
– 2012: ITV1 documentary, My Dad is a Woman.
– 2010: BBC Radio 4 documentary, Fry’s English Delight, hosted by Stephen Fry.
– 2010: BBC Radio 4 documentary, The Vox Project, hosted by Claire Balding.
– 2008: BBC4 television documentary, The Voice. Acted as Voice Consultant analysing a variety of professional voices belonging to singers and politicians. Also featured singing impersonations of famous singers, including Ella Fitzgerald, Barbara Streisand and Katie Melua and explaining vocal tract configurations in various voices.
– 2007: Teachers TV, How Stressed is Your School? Featured as voice expert discussing the impact of stress on teachers’ voices.
– 2006: BBC Radio 2. Featured in two part series, A Voice Like Honey, discussing my voice work with transgender clients and performing and explaining differences in female singing voices including those of Dolly Parton, Cher and Dido.
– 2005: Discovery Home and Health Channel, Sex Changes series. Featured carrying out voice modification therapy for transsexual clients.
– 2004: ITV’s This Morning programme. Featured discussing transgender voice therapy in their series on transsexualism.
“Just sitting here on a balcony in a restaurant… Feeling very contented. ..I am just reflecting on my recent journey of which my voice is a central part. I feel I owe you a lot for your skill and experience and just want to thank you for helping me find my true voice. To be treated and to be read as a woman is indescribable. Your work is amazing.”E.K. 19.09.16
“It was such a treat to meet you. Thanks for all your help.”Eddie Redmayne
“Thank you for all your help with my tenor student at the Royal Academy . His voice is now beautifully integrated and he has no difficulty accessing the lower notes. Thank you for all the good work that you do.”R. D, Singing Tutor, Royal Academy of Music
“Thanks for all your help!! When I arrived I could only say one word at a time in between coughing fits!! – Now I can hold a conversation!! Well done and Thank you.”Mr M.S
“I really can’t thank you enough for your care, kindness and all your help getting through my palsy. I really appreciate everything you’ve done”Mrs G.A
“Christella, you were a godsend at a difficult time for me. You helped me physically with getting my voice back and also lifted my spirits and gave me confidence that I had lost and I dont think I’d be where I am right now if I didnt have your guidance.”Miss S.V
“Thank you for all the help, support and time you have given me, plus your patience of course! I find it hard to convey how much confidence our sessions have given me and countinue to do so. Apart from the learning, I did so enjoy talking to you.”Ms D.W