Courses & Training for Speech & Language Therapists
Working with Transgender Voice - 2 Day (Condensed) Course

Course dates:
Day 1: Registration 9.45am - Finish 4.15 pm.
Day 2: Start 9.30am - Finish 4.00 pm
1st floor, 4 Paddington Street, London, W1U 5QE ( Baker St. Tube)
£295 per person
Early bird (for bookings made prior to the 31st December 2018): £265 per person
Further Information
This course is a condensed version of the Antoni Method 3 day Working With Transgender voice course established in 2001.
Suitable for SLTs with some experience of working with Voice clients and awareness of trans voice
Course Content
Day 1 - Essential Awareness and Background Learning
- Gender Identities
- Diagnosis
- Terminology
- Medical and surgical interventions
- Overview of SLT from referral to discharge
- Assessment
- Monitoring progress
Day 2 - Practical Skills Day
- Essentials of voice feminisation
- Experiential practice
- Observation of therapy
- Task progression
- Generalisation of therapy voice to habitual Voice
- ENT surgeries
- Trouble shooting