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Welcome to Christella Antoni Voice & Speech Services
I am a state registered speech and language therapist who specialises in the field of voice and speech work.
I offer specialist voice assessment and treatment to adults with voice difficulties, or individuals looking to modify their voice and/or speech.
I favour a client centred approach, working holistically with each individual. Many years of successful treatment outcomes with clients allows me to pinpoint the relevant voice therapy required by each individual, so that the voice is remediated/modified/developed efficiently and as quickly as possible. Specific therapy and exercises are given which will bring the most benefit to the client.
How can I help you?
Specialist Team. Specialist Care.
Latest Videos
Voice Surgery Insights: Why Dysphonia Treatment is Non-Negotiable
In this video, we explore the importance of addressing dysphonia before undergoing glottoplasty surgery. We also discuss why some people…
Christella Antoni
The Hidden Challenges of Voice Loss
In this video, we explore how voice issues can impact one’s personal and professional life, and the crucial role trust…
Christella Antoni
The Crucial Role of Trust in Therapy
Trust is a crucial component in voice therapy. This video discusses how building trust over time helps individuals feel confident…
Christella Antoni
Latest Articles
The Role of Therapy in Voice Feminisation Therapy: What You Need To know
If you’re considering voice feminisation surgery such as glottoplasty, you might be wondering why your surgeon recommends voice therapy before…
Christella Antoni
Overcoming Doubts in Voice Feminisation Therapy: A Five-Factor Exploration
Embarking on a journey of voice feminisation therapy can be both exciting and intimidating. This post aims to delve into…
Christella Antoni
Unlocking Clear Speech: 5 Steps to Vocal Clarity
Are you considering improving your voice or speech? Would you like to convey your thoughts more quickly or speak in…
Christella Antoni
Latest News
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
As of Tuesday, March 17, 2020 the practice is introducing new measures in order to follow government recommended guidelines in…
Christella Antoni
Announcing NEW Free Online Resource
Introducing the first episode of #OnVoice with Christella Antoni OnVoice will feature frequently asked questions by voice disorder clients, performers,…
Christella Antoni
Trans-Vocal: Presenting at the 31st World Congress of the IALP, Taipei 2019
Attending the 31st World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) this August was most definitely one…