Overcoming Doubts in Voice Feminisation Therapy: A Five-Factor Exploration

Embarking on a journey of voice feminisation therapy can be both exciting and intimidating. This post aims to delve into the common doubts individuals may have during this process and shed light on why these concerns are normal, manageable, and part of the transformative journey.

1. Fear of the Unknown

The fear of the unknown is a natural response to any skill acquisition, and voice feminisation is no exception. Individuals may feel uncertain about the trajectory of their voice development. However, an important factor to take on board is that voice change is a partnership between the client and the clinician who together form a partnership to help achieve the client’s self-identified voice goals.

“Develop your voice with a skilled clinician according to your goals and what’s possible.”

2. Lack of Confidence

Linked closely to the fear of the unknown, a lack of confidence can paralyse individuals, making them doubt their ability to succeed in the therapy. Voice therapists are accustomed to working with clients facing doubts and anxieties about their voice.

“Park your doubts and lack of confidence. Journey with your voice clinician, and over time, witness the growth of your confidence as your voice evolves.”

3. Feeling Fake

Many individuals express concern about sounding or feeling fake during voice feminisation therapy. It’s important to acknowledge that this feeling is a temporary part of the process, which I often refer to as the “sticky period.” This period is essential for naturalising the voice by the end of therapy.

“Feeling fake is a common phase. Embrace the ‘sticky period,’ a temporary phase necessary for shaping and naturalising your evolving voice.”

4. Developing a Naturalised Voice

Concerns about sounding fake are tied to the misconception that developing a new voice is akin to an actor putting on a character’s voice. The goal of voice feminisation therapy is for the voice to evolve naturally, becoming a seamless and integrated part of the individual.

“Developing your voice is not about putting on a voice. It’s a journey where your own voice evolves into something natural through selected exercises and practice.”

5. Feeling Self-Conscious

Feeling self-conscious is a common and expected emotion during the initial stages of voice feminisation therapy. Therapists understand this and create a safe and supportive environment, helping individuals overcome self-consciousness gradually.

“Self-consciousness is expected. Begin the journey in a safe therapeutic environment, where gradual progress diminishes self-consciousness over time.”


Voice feminisation therapy is a unique and empowering journey. Acknowledging and addressing doubts is an integral part of the process. As individuals progress through therapy, they often find themselves more confident, comfortable, and capable of expressing their true selves through their transformed voice. Remember, every step counts, and success is a personal and evolving achievement.