How to Overcome Your Fears Around Feminising Your Voice

Embarking on the transformative journey of voice feminization therapy can evoke a mix of excitement and trepidation. In this video, we delve into the common doubts individuals often face during this process and shed light on why these concerns are not only normal but also manageable.

Explore real voice samples at to see the Antoni Method in action.

Understanding & Recovering from Voice Loss: Guidance, Tips, and Techniques

In this video I dive into the topic of voice loss, explaining why it happens, its impact on people, and the recovery process. I reveal the various causes of voice loss and also provide reassurance that voice loss can be overcome with the guidance of a skilled speech and language therapist.

This video also provides insight into the processes of voice loss and recovery, underlining the varying timeframes involved.

00:00 Introduction to Voice Loss
00:20 Understanding Laryngitis
01:25 Other Medical Causes of Voice Loss
01:55 The Impact of Trauma on Voice Loss
02:25 The Emotional Impact of Voice Loss
03:18 Recovering from Voice Loss
03:43 The Process of Voice Restoration
04:30 Developing a Stronger Voice Post-Recovery
04:55 Final Thoughts on Voice Loss